Greening Out with Cannabis

Greening Out with Cannabis: A Simplified Guide

In Featured Content, Travel Tips by Midas

Smoking weed; then you get dizzy, nauseous, sweaty? You might be greening out!

Greening out with cannabis, is essentially over-consumption of THC, and can be a perplexing and sometimes uncomfortable experience. This article simplifies the concept, aiming to educate and guide individuals, especially those new to cannabis, on how to navigate and understand greening out.

Understanding Greening Out

Greening out refers to the experience of consuming too much cannabis, particularly THC, leading to various adverse effects. New users or those not accustomed to high THC levels are more vulnerable to greening out​​. You get sweaty, dizzy, feel like throwing up, heart rate increases, paranoia increases.

Symptoms of Greening Out

The experience of greening out varies, influenced by factors like the dose of cannabis, THC tolerance, previous experience, and individual endocannabinoid systems. Symptoms can include dizziness, lack of focus, nausea, anxiety, paranoia, increased heart rate, low blood pressure, mild hallucinations, heavy limbs, chills, loss of balance, and dry mouth​​.

Causes of Greening Out

Greening out occurs when THC overloads the CB1 receptors in the endocannabinoid system. This can last until the body metabolizes or excretes the THC. Factors increasing the risk include being a new or infrequent user, sleep deprivation, dehydration, or consumption on an empty stomach. Edibles and concentrates, being more potent than flower, also pose a higher risk​​.

Risk Factors

A significant risk factor is combining cannabis with alcohol. This mix can impair memory and reaction time, and increase THC levels in the blood and brain, making the greening out experience longer and more disorienting​​. Also, those new to cannabis can have bad green outs.

Duration of Greening Out

The duration of greening out is subjective, lasting from a few minutes to a few hours. It varies based on the method of consumption, with smoking leading to a faster onset but shorter duration, while edibles and other ingested forms result in a longer experience due to prolonged presence in the bloodstream​​.

Is Greening Out Dangerous?

Greening out is typically not life-threatening if experienced with cannabis alone. However, combining cannabis with alcohol or other drugs can be dangerous and might require medical intervention. Persistent vomiting may also necessitate medical attention to prevent extreme dehydration​​. Most of the time just getting them calm down, take a nap, or eat helps quite a bit.

Greening Out with Cannabis

Preventing Greening Out

To prevent greening out, start with low doses and go slow, especially if new to cannabis. Avoid consuming on an empty stomach, stay hydrated, and be mindful of the strength of edibles. Edibles last longer as THC is converted to a more psychoactive compound in the digestive system​​.

Managing Greening Out

If you or someone you know starts greening out, remember it’s temporary. Ensure a safe, comfortable space, stay hydrated, and keep blood sugar levels stable. Deep breathing, using CBD to counteract THC’s effects, finding distractions may help alleviate symptoms. Fresh air and rest are also beneficial​​.

Greening out with cannabis can be an unsettling experience, especially for those new to cannabis or trying stronger strains. Understanding the symptoms, causes, and how to manage and prevent such instances can lead to safer and more enjoyable cannabis experiences. Remember, everyone’s reaction to cannabis is unique, and what works for one person may not work for another.